
Showing posts with label #Best Business School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Best Business School. Show all posts

Friday 4 March 2016

Best Ways to Boost Your Confidence to be the best you

1. Critics’ choice
Try to stay clear of anyone who criticises you or doesn’t approve. If you’re striving towards a goal, look for role models that inspire you, or high achievers who have gone beyond the restrictions of convention. Think Angelina Jolie or Hillary Clinton.

2. Choose your friends wisely
When your self-belief is fragile, take time to consider who you want to spend time with - preferably people who make you feel good and send out positive vibes. If you receive a text that makes you happy, text back, but otherwise leave it until you feel stronger.

3. We are what we eat
Stay clear of sugary snacks and carbs and introduce healthy eating and drinking habits to your daily routine. Eat more raw fruit and veg, nuts and oily fish (good for the brain) and drink more water. Staying hydrated will boost your body and energy levels, which will have a knock-on effect on the way you feel about yourself.

4. Under pressure
If you’re stressed and worried about work, money, or relationships, the cortisol and adrenalin roaring through your system will have no exit and become toxic. Change your work/life patterns to help balance out that stress, and drink lots of water to flush out the toxins.

5. The fear
Overcome your fears by acknowledging what makes you scared. Counterbalance this with your drive to succeed, your ambitions and desires so your fears don’t stop you from doing what you want.

6. Take control of your Image
Low self-esteem can leave us feeling diminished and a bit wobbly. To get it back, think about what makes you feel confident, whether it’s wearing something that makes you feel fabulous, being prepared, well-rehearsed, or in control. Think about what works, and go for it!

7. Voice-over
Your subconscious doesn’t distinguish between fact and fiction, so if your inner voice is telling you that you can’t do something, that’s what you’ll believe. Equally, if it says you can, chances are you will. Think positive to pursue that goal.

8. Body language
Our minds and bodies are connected, so adopt a pose of power. Stand upright, look people in the eye, put your shoulders back and take a deep breath. It will make a huge difference.

9. Happy people
Waiting around for someone else to make you happy is the best way to be sad. Identify what makes you happy and make it part of your day, whether it’s the scent of a flower, a perfectly made cappuccino or a special day out. Introduce these moments of happiness and start smiling.

10. A helping hand
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you don’t ask, you won’t get. Ask people for help with introductions, expertise or advice. Nine times out of 10, people will help unconditionally.

Apoorva Singh Rajawat [B Sc, M Sc] 
Sr. Nutritionist-Dietitian 
Jehangir Hospital and 
Shri Balaji Super Speciality Hospital

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